Streamlining the SB2 Postcard Process
This year will be the last year the State of Texas requires all county appraisal districts to mail the SB2 postcard to its’ taxpayers. If you’re reading this, you’ve signed up for VariVerge to assist you with that process. Like last year, the website link is a generic link directed to a standardized web page on Texas.Gov. As a courtesy, VariVerge designed a standardized postcard containing all of the necessary verbiage that satisfies the legislative requirements, while also being an attractive mail piece to foster credibility with your taxpayer.
All of the information you need to make this process as smooth as possible is detailed below.
The links below will take you to two sample postcard designs in order to satisfy your legal requirements. Choose between the black and white version or the full color version based on your budgetary needs. Click the links below to download and view the two options.
2 versions: Black and White | Full Color
- We are requesting that you notify VariVerge of any changes in your Tax Assessor/Collector contact information or any changes from last year no later than June 19th. Please proof and approve the sample postcard included in your packet.
Here you will also find a link that will take you to the sample Excel template you can use when creating your export file. Please make sure your export file is labeled with the same column headers and the columns are in the same order as the sample Excel template. In the first column, please change CAD to your specific CAD name.
Example: if your appraisal district is Dallas CAD, you will write Dallas in the First Column. Please have your final Excel file of owners to us via your Secure FTP folder no later than July 5th to mail August 7th.
- A postage deposit invoice will be issued prior to mailing, we plan to send those invoices on June 19th based on the historical quantity of postcards for your county.
Thank you for trusting VariVerge with this project one last time, we appreciate your business!
In Brief:
- Submit Postcard artwork no later than June 19th
- Send Excel File of owners no later than July 5th
- Postage Deposit Invoice will be sent June 19th
International Addresses
As our expertise on the SB2 postcard process grows over the years, we’ve learned a thing or two. We understand it is important to explain the process we will use to ensure your international account’s postcards are delivered to their intended recipients.
On domestic postcards, the USPS equipment reads the barcode we generate and place on your postcards. On international mail, there is no such barcode for the USPS to read, therefore, it captures mailing information beginning from left to right, just like you’d read a page in a book. With the current design, that means the USPS is going to read the Tax Collector information rather than the intended international recipient information.
If your owner list does not contain international addresses, your process is business as usual.
The international design just flip flops the artwork on the international addresses only. All other postcard artwork will remain the same. I know this can be confusing, so please reference the diagram for the international address artwork. Click the button to see the base international artwork design.
If you continue to have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
VariVerge is constantly striving to bring you the best customer experience possible. We hope that this will be another reason why you continue to choose VariVerge as your print and mail provider.
Streamlining Organizations.
VariVerge, LLC
920 SW 9th Avenue
Amarillo, TX 79101
8949 Diplomacy Row
Dallas, TX 75247